Where I Have Been The Last Few Years

doodles and mockup cover in progress of Moonshine, my scifi WIP
Hey you guys. So it's been a while since I've done a proper blog post. I got pretty busy with life and things changed and took over and got dropped, but I'm trying to pick up some of the dropped pieces. I am ready to come back to blogging. I think I need to move on from my beloved warriorgirl. It's a new phase in life and for all I've tried to stick with it, I think it just might be an archives proposition at this point.

It's still relevant to my life in that it is where I come from, but my goal in blogging has changed. I'm focused more on writing now and less on parenting and crafting. I've raised my kids to the point where they are heading into adolescence and are familiar with my writerly ways. Like closed doors and saying "not now!" and they are, themselves, capable of getting their own lunch and entertaining themselves and finding their own fandoms (hey you kid, that's MY fandom... oh well, okay, I suppose you can like it too. sigh.) I've been pretty active on pinterest and instagram and twitter and tumblr, but I think I need a nice blog for a home for all my social media activities, and I've decided that here might as well be it.

I am DEEP into writing right now. Working on my second draft of my science fiction novel, Moonshine. The art has been suffering greatly. But I have written hundreds of thousands of words since I fell off blogging, maybe a million including nonfiction, so although I did go silent, I was not REALLY silent.  Also, I've kind of really been busy over on tumblr, answering all sorts of questions about my tv obsession, the cult post-apocalyptic sci fi show The 100. (did you guys know that there are actually some people who WANT to hear deep literary analysis of sf tv shows? it's a whole new world for me! my geekery has an outlet!) I am thinking this might be a good place to post my answers to writing questions that people ask on my tumblr. A lot of people like the anon function over there. I'm not sure if people really use static blogs anymore, but I figure it's a good place for an archive, either way. And if you're interested, you can stay tuned for my progress.


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